Monkey Bar With Climbing Wall Panels
Put the finishing touching on your residential indoor playground with this monkey bar and double panel climbing wall. Play With Kids - Made of high quality material, the fitment allows kids to exercise as long as they wanted and helps pre-mote physical development in children. Its a fun way to get Kids climbing, balancing and using their muscles as we did with ours.
Material: Premium Quality Laminated Board, SteelStand And Cushion Material: Plywood Overall Size : 700 X 610 Pneumatic Height Adjustment Range Of The Stool:- from Minimum To Maximum Is:=42Cm -58Cmsittig Diamension=33X41Reducing-14Density Foam & Vinyl Fabric.
Finish: Powder Coating, Premium Quality Laminated Board And Natural Edges Illustrative Use only, overall measurements(One unit).
What’s Included:
Monkey bar.
1 Climbing wall panel with hand grips.
Rope Ladder.
2 Gymnastic rings.
Safety mattress
Punching bag
Weight : L 210 CM X W 100CM X H 200C
This item must be fixed to a solid concrete block wall and cannot be fixed to a gypsum wall. | |
The concrete wall thickness must be 15cm. |
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